BTS In The Soop Season 2 Episode 2: Exploring the Serene Lake and Unwinding in the Wilderness


Get ready for more fun and relaxation with BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2! Watch as the boys unwind in nature and bond over their hobbies.

Are you ready for some more BTS in the Soop? Well, episode 2 of season 2 has arrived and it's just as delightful as we expected. The members continue their relaxing vacation in the woods, away from the hustle and bustle of their busy lives. But don't let the peaceful setting fool you, there's plenty of hilarious moments to keep you entertained.

First up, we have Jin and Suga attempting to catch fish for dinner. But let's just say their fishing skills leave a lot to be desired. Suga accidentally drops his fishing line into the water and Jin gets distracted by a butterfly. It's a classic comedy duo moment that had us laughing out loud.

Meanwhile, V and Jungkook decide to go on a bike ride. But things take an unexpected turn when V's bike chain falls off. Instead of getting frustrated, the two of them turn it into a fun game of trying to fix the bike. It's moments like this that really showcase the bond between the members.

Next up, we have RM and Jimin enjoying some quality downtime together. They start off with a peaceful boat ride but end up hilariously capsizing the boat. We can't help but love their playful and carefree attitude towards the whole situation.

But it's not all fun and games, as we see J-Hope and Suga having a heart-to-heart conversation about the pressures of being a musician. It's a touching moment that shows the vulnerable side of these talented artists.

The episode also features some beautiful shots of the autumn foliage, making us feel like we're right there with the members. And of course, we can't forget about the mouth-watering meals they prepare. From grilled meat to kimchi fried rice, our stomachs were growling the entire time.

But perhaps the most memorable moment of the episode is when the members gather around the campfire to perform a rendition of Life Goes On. Their harmonies are on point and it's a truly touching moment that reminds us of the power of music.

Overall, episode 2 of BTS in the Soop season 2 is a delightful mix of humor, heart, and stunning scenery. It's a reminder that even the biggest superstars need to take a break and enjoy the simple things in life. We can't wait to see what other adventures the members have in store for us in future episodes.


Hello there, fellow BTS fans! Are you ready for another episode of In The Soop Season 2? Well, I hope you are because things are about to get hilarious! In this episode, we get to see the boys engage in some fishing, cooking, and other outdoor activities. So, let's get started and see what kind of shenanigans our favorite K-pop group gets into this time around!

Fishing with Jin and Jungkook

The episode begins with Jin and Jungkook on a fishing trip. As expected, Jin is the master fisherman, while Jungkook struggles to catch anything. It's quite amusing to watch Jungkook's frustration as he fails to reel in his catch. Meanwhile, Jin is having a grand old time, catching fish left and right. The best part? When Jin catches a fish and tries to show it off to Jungkook, it slips out of his hands and flops back into the water. Oh, Jin, you never fail to make us laugh.

Cooking with Suga and V

Next up, we have Suga and V showing off their cooking skills. Or lack thereof. Let's just say that these two should stick to their day jobs. Suga attempts to make grilled cheese sandwiches, but ends up burning them to a crisp. Meanwhile, V tries to make ramen but doesn't even know how to boil water. It's safe to say that their culinary skills need some work. But hey, at least they tried, right?

Hiking with RM and Jimin

Now, we have RM and Jimin going on a hike. RM, being the leader that he is, takes charge and leads the way. But Jimin, being the playful one that he is, keeps trying to distract RM by pointing out random things along the way. It's quite entertaining to watch the two of them bicker like an old married couple. But in the end, they make it to their destination and are rewarded with a beautiful view of the mountains.

Relaxing with J-Hope

J-Hope takes a more relaxed approach to his outdoor activities and spends his day lounging on a hammock. He even brings his own little Bluetooth speaker to listen to some music while he kicks back and relaxes. It's nice to see him take a break from his usual high-energy performances and just enjoy the peacefulness of nature.

Bonding with the Whole Group

Finally, we get to see the whole group come together for some bonding time. They sit around a campfire, roast marshmallows, and share stories with each other. It's heartwarming to see how close they all are and how much they genuinely care for one another. As always, BTS never fails to make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Well, that's it for this episode of In The Soop Season 2. It was definitely a fun one, with plenty of laughs and good times. It's always refreshing to see BTS outside of their usual stage personas and just being themselves. We can't wait to see what kind of adventures they get into next!

The Boys are Back in Town: BTS in the Soop Season 2 Ep 2

Get ready to pack your bags and head to the great outdoors, because in episode 2 of BTS in the Soop Season 2, the boys have traded in the bright lights and smog of the city for some fresh air and nature. From starting a fire to building a tent and cooking up some delicious campfire meals, it's clear that these guys were all boy scouts in a past life.

But it's not all just fun and games. In this episode, we get a glimpse of the boys' more serious side as they open up about their fears and insecurities, proving that even global superstars have moments of doubt. And while the scenery may be breathtaking, it's the interactions between the members that really steal the show. From playing games to just hanging out and chatting, you can really feel the bond they all share.

The Pun-tastic RM

If you're a fan of RM's puns, then you won't be disappointed in this episode. He drops some absolute gems that are both clever and groan-worthy. But he's not just a pun-master, he also shows off his cooking skills and helps the others prepare a delicious meal.

Jin the Fishing Expert and Taunter

Jin shows off his expert fishing skills in this episode, but he doesn't stop there. He mercilessly taunts the other members as they struggle to catch anything. Classic Jin.

J-Hope: Positive Attitude and Lumberjack Skills

J-Hope shines in this episode with his positive attitude and infectious energy. His smile is so bright, it could probably light up the entire campsite. And when it comes to chopping wood, he's a total pro.

Suga: Laid-back Demeanor and Game Dominance

Suga may be known for his laid-back demeanor, but he's also a total boss when it comes to games. He dominates in a game of pool, leaving the other members in awe of his skills.

V: Master of the Unexpected

Let's not forget about V, who proves once again that he's a master of the unexpected. He flexes his artistic side by creating a beautiful painting using just his fingers and some paint.

Heartwarming Moments

The episode ends with a heartwarming moment as the members gather around the campfire to sing songs and reminisce about their time together. It's a reminder that even in the midst of a global pandemic, it's the little moments with loved ones that make life special.

So pack your bags and head to the great outdoors with BTS in the Soop Season 2 Ep 2. You won't regret it.

BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2: A Hilarious Adventure in the Woods

The Plot

After a day of chilling at the lake house, the boys of BTS decide to venture out into the woods for some fun. Armed with their fishing gear, they head out to the river to catch some fish. But as always, things don't go according to plan.

Jin, who's in charge of the fishing expedition, can't seem to catch anything. Meanwhile, Suga is busy trying to catch a nap on a rock, only to be interrupted by Jimin's antics. Jungkook, V, and RM are busy exploring the area, while J-Hope tries his hand at making a fire.

As the day goes on, the boys get more and more adventurous. They try their hand at building a raft, only to have it fall apart in the water. They even attempt to catch fish with their bare hands, much to everyone's amusement.

The Point of View

Watching BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2 was like taking a hilarious trip into the woods with your best friends. The boys' antics were both relatable and hilarious, and their chemistry was undeniable.

The episode was shot from the perspective of a fly on the wall, allowing viewers to feel like they were right there with the boys. From Jin's frustrated attempts at fishing to Jimin's playful pranks, every moment was captured perfectly.

The Table Information

Here's a breakdown of some of the keywords and highlights from BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2:

  • Jin struggles to catch fish
  • Suga tries to nap but is interrupted by Jimin
  • Jungkook, V, and RM explore the woods
  • J-Hope attempts to make a fire
  • The boys try to build a raft and catch fish with their bare hands

In short, if you're looking for a good laugh and some wholesome fun, BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2 is definitely worth watching.

Closing Message: BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2

Dear fellow ARMYs, we hope you enjoyed watching BTS in the Soop Season 2 Episode 2 as much as we did! From fishing to cooking, and even a little bit of wrestling (sorry Jimin!), this episode was packed with hilarious and heartwarming moments that left us feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

As we watched our beloved BTS members bond over various activities, we couldn't help but feel like we were right there with them, experiencing everything firsthand. Whether it was Taehyung's infectious laughter, Jungkook's competitive spirit, or Jin's dad jokes, there was never a dull moment.

In this episode, we got to see a different side to each member, as they opened up about their personal lives and shared their thoughts and feelings with one another. We were reminded once again why we fell in love with BTS in the first place - their genuine friendship and unwavering dedication to their craft.

One of the highlights of the episode was definitely the cooking segment, where the boys attempted to whip up some delicious meals for each other. While some of the dishes may have looked a little questionable (we're looking at you, Suga), we have to give them credit for trying!

And who could forget the fishing trip, where the members battled it out to see who could catch the biggest fish? Despite some initial struggles, they eventually managed to reel in some impressive catches, and even Jimin got in on the action (albeit reluctantly).

Of course, no BTS in the Soop episode would be complete without some wholesome moments, and this episode certainly delivered. From the members cuddling up together on the couch to Yoongi's heartwarming confession about his love for his dog Holly, we couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

As the episode drew to a close, we were left with a sense of gratitude for this wonderful group of boys who never fail to put a smile on our faces. We can't wait to see what other adventures they have in store for us in the upcoming episodes of BTS in the Soop!

So, fellow ARMYs, if you haven't already watched BTS in the Soop Season 2 Episode 2, what are you waiting for? Grab some snacks and settle in for some quality time with our favorite boys - we promise you won't regret it!

Until next time, stay safe and healthy, and remember to always love yourself!

What Do People Also Ask About BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2?

1. What is the concept of BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2?

The concept of this episode is to show how the members of BTS enjoy their free time and connect with nature. They are seen engaging in various activities such as fishing, cooking, playing games, and relaxing in the beautiful natural surroundings.

2. What kind of natural scenery can we expect to see in this episode?

In this episode, you can expect to see breathtaking views of a serene lake surrounded by lush green trees. The members also explore the nearby forest and appreciate the beauty of nature.

3. Will we get to see more of the members' personalities in this episode?

Definitely! This episode showcases the members' playful and carefree sides as they enjoy each other's company and have fun together. You'll get to see their unique personalities shine through as they engage in various activities.

4. Can we expect any funny moments or bloopers in this episode?

Oh, absolutely! With BTS, there's always something funny happening. You can look forward to seeing the members make silly mistakes, crack jokes, and tease each other in this episode.

5. Is there anything else we should know about this episode?

This episode is perfect for those who want to unwind and experience the beauty of nature with BTS. You'll get to see the members relax and have fun in a peaceful environment, which is a refreshing change from their usual busy schedules.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy watching BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 2 as the members show us how to appreciate the simple things in life!