BTS In The Soop Season 2 Episode 3: A Blissful Getaway with the Beloved Bangtan Boys


BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 3 takes the boys on a peaceful fishing trip, but things get competitive as they try to catch the biggest fish.

Are you ready for the next adventure with BTS? The third episode of In The Soop Season 2 is finally here, and it's packed with hilarious moments, heartwarming scenes, and unexpected surprises. If you're a dedicated ARMY, you won't want to miss this new installment of the popular reality show. So, grab some snacks, get comfortable, and let's dive into the world of BTS in the forest.

First things first, the episode starts with a bang as J-Hope wakes up the members with a loudspeaker. As you can imagine, the boys are not too pleased with this wake-up call, and they express their annoyance in the most hilarious ways possible. Jungkook hides under his blankets, Suga refuses to open his eyes, while V pretends to be asleep but secretly enjoys the chaos. The dynamic between the members is always entertaining, and this episode is no exception.

As the day progresses, we see the members engaging in various activities, from cooking to fishing and even painting. It's clear that they're enjoying their time in nature and making the most out of their surroundings. One of the highlights of the episode is seeing Jin and RM trying to catch fish. Let's just say that their fishing skills need some improvement, but their banter is on point.

Speaking of banter, the episode also showcases the playful side of the members. From teasing each other to making jokes, they never fail to make us laugh. One of the funniest moments is when Jimin tries to imitate a bird sound, but ends up sounding like a robot instead. The members burst out laughing, and we can't blame them.

Of course, it wouldn't be a BTS episode without some emotional moments. In this episode, we see the members opening up about their thoughts and feelings. Jungkook talks about his struggles with loneliness, while V shares his appreciation for his members. It's touching to see how close they are and how they support each other through thick and thin.

Another highlight of the episode is seeing the members painting. It's fascinating to see their creative process and how they interpret nature in their own unique ways. RM's painting is particularly impressive, and he even jokes that he should become a professional artist. Who knows, maybe we'll see an RM art exhibition in the future?

As the day comes to an end, the members gather around the campfire and reflect on their experience in the forest. They talk about their favorite moments and what they've learned from this trip. It's a heartwarming scene that reminds us of the power of friendship and the beauty of nature.

Overall, the third episode of In The Soop Season 2 is a must-watch for any ARMY. It has everything we love about BTS: humor, creativity, and heart. We can't wait to see what the next episode has in store for us.

So, what did you think of the episode? Which moment was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 3: A Whole Lotta Nothing

Okay, let's get one thing straight - I love BTS. Like, a lot. But this episode of In The Soop was... well, it was a whole lotta nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for watching my favorite idols do absolutely nothing, but this episode took that concept to a whole new level. Here's a breakdown of what went down (or didn't go down) in BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 3.

The Episode Begins

The episode starts with the members waking up and going about their usual morning routines. Jin is making coffee, Jungkook is brushing his teeth, and RM is... staring at a tree? Yup, you read that right. RM spends a good chunk of this episode staring at a tree. Who needs meditation apps when you have nature, right?

A Trip to the Convenience Store

After a bit of lounging around, the members decide to head to the convenience store. This could have been an opportunity for some wacky hijinks or impromptu dance parties, but nope. They pretty much just walk around and buy some snacks. Riveting stuff.

Namjoon and His Tree

Remember that tree I mentioned earlier? Yeah, it's still a thing. Namjoon spends a solid chunk of this episode sitting under said tree, contemplating life or something. I'm all for taking a moment to appreciate nature, but this just feels like filler content.

Cooking Time

Finally, we get some action! The members split into two groups to cook lunch - one team makes stir-fry and the other makes bibimbap. There's some playful banter and a few mishaps (Jin accidentally drops an egg), but overall it's a pretty chill cooking session.

The Afternoon Lull

After lunch, the members pretty much just... do nothing. They lounge around, take naps, and stare at things. There's a brief moment where Suga shows off his new mousepad, but that's about as exciting as it gets.

A Game of Volleyball

Finally, something resembling physical activity! The members head outside to play some volleyball. It's fun to see them get competitive (especially Jimin, who is surprisingly skilled), but it's also a bit jarring after the previous hours of near-silence.

Dinner Time

The members reconvene for dinner, which is... more stir-fry and bibimbap. Don't get me wrong, the food looks delicious, but it's not exactly riveting television. There's a brief moment where Jimin spills some soup on Jin's shirt, but even that feels a bit forced.

The Nighttime Routine

The episode winds down with the members going through their nighttime routines. Jungkook plays guitar, V takes a bath, and Jin... well, he just poses dramatically in front of a mirror. Again, this could have been an opportunity for some fun hijinks, but it all feels a bit flat.

The End?

And that's pretty much it. The episode ends with the members settling in for the night, and... that's all folks. As a diehard BTS fan, I'll still watch every episode of In The Soop Season 2, but I can't help feeling a bit disappointed after this one. Here's hoping the next episode has a bit more substance (or at least some more tree-staring).

The Verdict

Overall, BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 3 is a bit of a snooze-fest. There are moments of levity and fun, but they're few and far between. If you're a fan of watching idols do absolutely nothing, this episode might be up your alley. But if you're looking for some actual content, you might want to skip this one.

Kitchen Nightmares: The BTS Edition

In this episode of BTS In The Soop Season 2, Chef J-Hope takes on the daunting task of cooking for his fellow members. It's safe to say that chaos ensues. From burnt food to undercooked meat, it seems like everything that could go wrong does. The boys try their best to be supportive, but it's hard not to laugh when the meal ends up being inedible. In the end, they all agree to order takeout and call it a night. Sorry, J-Hope, better luck next time!

Disaster on the High Seas

RM decides to take on the challenge of catching fish for dinner. However, his boating skills are less than impressive. As he navigates through rough waters, the boat tips back and forth, causing the members to hold on for dear life. To make matters worse, they don't catch a single fish. Maybe they should have just stuck with the seaweed.

Jimin's Happy Place

In this heartwarming segment, Jimin takes us to his little corner of paradise. He sits by the river, reading a book and enjoying the peaceful surroundings. The highlight of the scene is when a duck floats by, seemingly unbothered by the presence of BTS. It's a reminder that sometimes the simplest things can bring the most joy.

The Great Outdoors... is Pretty Scary

V and Jungkook are tasked with finding firewood in the wilderness. It's clear that they're both out of their element as they come face to face with bugs and trees. At one point, Jungkook even jumps at the sound of a bird. It's a good thing they don't have to survive in the wild for too long.

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Suga takes a peaceful walk with his dog, Holly. However, things quickly spiral out of control as Holly decides to run off into the vastness of nature. Suga chases after her, looking more and more panicked by the minute. Will they make it back to the house in one piece, or will they be lost forever?

The Sound of Silence

In a rare moment of agreement, all the members decide to be quiet for a few minutes. However, it quickly becomes clear that silence can be pretty darn awkward. They fidget, clear their throats, and try not to make eye contact. It's a relief when someone finally breaks the silence.

Jin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Jin is having a rough day, to say the least. He gets lost in the woods, deals with a fussy camera crew, and generally seems to be in a bad mood. However, he soldiers on, refusing to let his frustrations get the best of him. We can all learn a lesson from Jin's determination.

Fowl Play

J-hope and Jimin engage in a lighthearted game of chicken calling, much to the amusement of the other members. They both seem to have a natural talent for it, but in the end, J-hope is crowned the ultimate chicken whisperer. Who knew that BTS had such hidden talents?

A Tour of the House

V takes us on a tour of the Soop house, pointing out all the little details that make it feel like home. From the mosquito net to the cozy blankets, he highlights all the things that make their stay comfortable. It's a reminder that even when you're far from home, you can still find comfort in the little things.

The Great Clean-Up

In the chaotic but ultimately heartwarming finale, the members band together to clean up the house before their departure. There are arguments and bickering, but in the end, they all come together to get the job done. It's a reminder that even when things get tough, BTS always has each other's backs. Maybe they should have hired Chef J-Hope for the clean-up too!

BTS In The Soop Season 2 Episode 3: A Relaxing Getaway

The Plot

After a busy day of filming and rehearsing, the boys of BTS are more than ready for a relaxing getaway. In the third episode of BTS In The Soop Season 2, they escape to a beautiful lake house surrounded by stunning views of nature.

Jin, the eldest member of the group, sets the tone for the trip by declaring that they will all be taking it easy and doing whatever they want. This means no schedules, no commitments, and no pressure - just relaxation and fun.

The episode showcases each member doing their own thing, from cooking and fishing to painting and playing games. As usual, their antics and pranks keep the audience entertained throughout the entire episode.

Points of View

From the perspective of a BTS fan, it's always exciting to see the boys in their natural element, away from the hectic lifestyle of being a K-pop superstar. The relaxed vibe of the episode is a refreshing change of pace from their usual high-energy performances.

From a humorous standpoint, the episode is full of funny moments that showcase each member's personalities. From V's unsuccessful attempts at fishing to J-Hope's water balloon ambush, there's never a dull moment with this group.

Table Information


  • BTS
  • In The Soop Season 2
  • Episode 3
  • Relaxation
  • Getaway
  • Lake house
  • Nature
  • Jin
  • Cooking
  • Fishing
  • Painting
  • Games
  • Antics
  • Pranks
  • V
  • J-Hope


BTS In The Soop Season 2 Episode 3 is a relaxing getaway for the boys of BTS. They escape to a lake house surrounded by nature and take it easy, doing whatever they want. The episode showcases each member doing their own thing, from cooking and fishing to painting and playing games. It's full of funny moments that showcase each member's personalities, making it a must-watch for any BTS fan.

BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 3: A Hilariously Relaxing Episode

Hello there fellow BTS fans! It's your favorite blogger back again with another review of BTS In The Soop Season 2. And let me tell you, this episode was a rollercoaster ride of laughter and relaxation. So without further ado, let's dive right into it!

The episode starts off with the boys waking up to another beautiful day in the forest. As they gather around the table for breakfast, Jin decides to play a game where they have to guess what dish is being served blindfolded. And let me just say, watching the boys struggle to identify simple dishes like rice and kimchi was hilarious.

After breakfast, the boys decide to take a hike in the forest. And as expected, chaos ensues. From V pretending to be a tree to Suga giving up halfway through the hike, the boys had us in fits of laughter throughout the entire trip.

As the day goes on, the boys split up to do their individual activities. Jungkook decides to go fishing while J-Hope and RM take a relaxing dip in the river. And let me just say, watching J-Hope's reaction to the freezing water was priceless.

As night falls, the boys gather around the campfire to share their favorite childhood memories. And let me just say, hearing about Jimin's love for fried chicken and V's fear of ghosts had us all laughing till our stomachs hurt.

The highlight of the episode, however, was when the boys decided to have a talent show. From RM's impressive freestyle rap to Suga's hilarious attempt at magic, the talent show had us all entertained.

And just when we thought the episode couldn't get any better, the boys decided to end the night with a game of charades. And let me just say, watching them act out their favorite movies and songs was the perfect way to end the episode.

So there you have it folks, BTS In The Soop Season 2 Ep 3 was an absolute treat to watch. The boys had us in stitches throughout the entire episode and we can't wait to see what they have in store for us next. Till then, stay safe and keep streaming BTS!

People Also Ask About BTS In The Soop Season 2 Episode 3

1. What is BTS In The Soop?

BTS In The Soop is a reality show featuring the popular K-pop group BTS as they enjoy a relaxing vacation in a cabin surrounded by nature. The show offers fans a glimpse into their daily lives and activities outside of their busy schedules.

2. What happens in Season 2 Episode 3?

In Season 2 Episode 3, the BTS members continue their fun-filled vacation in the woods. They go on a boat ride, have a cookout, and play games together. The episode also features heartwarming moments as they bond over shared memories and experiences.

3. Is this season different from the first one?

Yes, Season 2 has a different concept than the first one. While the first season focused on the members' individual activities, the second season shows them spending quality time together in a cabin. The atmosphere is more relaxed and carefree, giving viewers a chance to see a different side of the group.

4. Will there be more episodes after this one?

Yes, there will be a total of six episodes in this season of BTS In The Soop. Fans can look forward to more exciting adventures and heartwarming moments as the members continue to enjoy their vacation.

5. Can I watch this episode with English subtitles?

Yes, you can watch the episode with English subtitles on various streaming platforms. Make sure to find a reliable source and sit back and enjoy the show!

So, grab some popcorn and get ready for another fun-filled episode of BTS In The Soop Season 2!