BTS Reveals Their Reaction to Your Neck Kissing: Steamy and Surprising!


BTS members react to you kissing their neck in this steamy fan fiction. Find out how they respond and get swept away in the fantasy.

Have you ever thought about kissing your favorite BTS member's neck? Well, we have some good news for you! We've asked the boys how they would react if you planted a smooch on their neck and their answers are quite interesting.

First up is Jin. Mr. Worldwide Handsome himself said that he would probably start laughing because he's ticklish. So, if you want to make Jin laugh, go ahead and give his neck a little peck.

Next is Suga. He said that he would be surprised at first, but then he would enjoy it. Maybe Suga has a soft spot for neck kisses?

RM, the leader of the group, said that he would be okay with it as long as you didn't leave a mark. So, if you're planning on leaving a hickey, maybe avoid RM's neck.

J-Hope said that he would be flustered and shy, but he would also find it cute. It seems like J-Hope is a fan of the romantic gestures.

Jimin, the king of fan service, said that he would probably playfully push you away because he's shy. But, he also said that he wouldn't mind if you did it again later. So, keep that in mind if you want to get Jimin's attention.

V, the resident goofball, said that he would probably laugh and ask if you were trying to seduce him. So, if you want to make V laugh, go ahead and give his neck a little nibble.

Last but not least, Jungkook said that he would be taken aback at first, but then he would enjoy it. It seems like the maknae of the group is a fan of the intimate gesture.

So, there you have it! The boys of BTS have given their opinions on how they would react if you kissed their neck. It's always interesting to see how celebrities react to these types of questions, especially when it comes to something as intimate as a neck kiss.

But, before you go planting kisses on BTS members' necks, remember to always respect their boundaries and personal space. Just because they're celebrities doesn't mean they're not entitled to privacy and respect.

And who knows, maybe one day you'll get the chance to meet BTS and ask them yourself how they would react to a neck kiss. Until then, we hope this article has satisfied your curiosity.

Now, if you'll excuse us, we're off to daydream about neck kissing BTS members. Don't judge us!

BTS Reaction to You Kissing Their Neck: A Hilarious Tale

Introduction: The Scene Is Set

Picture this: you and your BTS bias are cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie. You've been feeling playful all night, and suddenly, you lean over and give him a kiss on the neck. What happens next? Here's a humorous take on how the members of BTS might react.

Jin: Oh no, my expensive shirt!

Jin is always concerned about his appearance, so when you kiss his neck, his first thought is about his shirt. No, no, no, my expensive shirt! It has to go to the dry cleaners now, he exclaims. But secretly, he's enjoying the attention.

Suga: Can you not?

Suga is the king of indifference, so when you kiss his neck, he doesn't quite know how to respond. Can you not? he deadpans. But you can tell from the way he leans into you that he secretly likes it.

J-Hope: Ahh, that tickles!

J-Hope is always full of energy, so when you kiss his neck, he can't help but giggle. Ahh, that tickles! Stop it! he says, but he's really just trying to catch his breath.

Rap Monster: That's unexpected

Rap Monster is the intellectual of the group, so when you kiss his neck, he's a little taken aback. That's unexpected, he says, before leaning in for more.

Jimin: Do it again!

Jimin is the resident flirt, so when you kiss his neck, he's all for it. Do it again! he says, before turning to give you a kiss on the lips.

V: You're so cute!

V is known for his playful personality, so when you kiss his neck, he can't help but smile. You're so cute! he says, before pulling you in for a hug.

Jungkook: I'm too young for this!

Jungkook is the youngest member of BTS, so when you kiss his neck, he's a little flustered. I'm too young for this! he protests, before hiding his face in your shoulder.

The Group Consensus: We Love It!

While each member of BTS has their own unique reaction to your neck kisses, there's one thing they all agree on: they love it. As a group, they can't get enough of your affection, and they're always eager for more.

Conclusion: Keep the Kisses Coming!

So there you have it – a humorous take on how BTS might react to you kissing their neck. Whether they're concerned about their appearance, giggling with delight, or protesting their youth, one thing is clear: they all love your attention. So keep the kisses coming, ARMY – BTS can't get enough!

BTS Reacts to You Kissing Their Neck

Picture this: you're with BTS, hanging out and having a good time, when suddenly the urge to kiss their neck hits you. What would their reactions be? Let's find out.


Whoa, [Y/N], should I call a professional neck masseuse or are you an expert?

Jungkook may be the youngest member of the group, but he's definitely not inexperienced. However, your neck-kissing skills seem to have taken him by surprise. Maybe it's time to share some tips with him.


I didn't know we were playing 'guess the lipstick color' today, but I'm loving the game.

Leave it to RM to turn everything into a game. Your lipstick may have left a mark on his neck, but he's not complaining - in fact, he seems to be enjoying it. Just make sure to use a long-lasting lipstick next time, so the game can go on longer.


What, you think you can just kiss my neck and walk away like nothing happened? Come back here, [Y/N].

Jimin is not one to let things go easily. Once you've kissed his neck, he's going to want more. And who can blame him? Your kisses are addictive, and he wants to feel more of them.


You know what they say about neck kisses, right? They're like potato chips - you can never have just one.

V knows what's up. Once you start kissing his neck, he's not going to want you to stop. And why would he? Your kisses are like potato chips - he can't get enough of them.


Oh, I see you're going for the 'making Jin weak in the knees' strategy. It's working.

Jin may be the oldest member of the group, but that doesn't mean he's immune to your charms. Your neck kisses are making him weak in the knees, and he's not complaining. Keep it up, [Y/N].


I thought I was supposed to be the one who leaves you breathless, but turns out it's the other way around.

Suga is known for his smooth and cool demeanor, but your neck kisses seem to have caught him off guard. You're leaving him breathless, and he's not sure how to handle it. Maybe it's time to switch roles for a change.


If neck kisses were a talent show, you'd be getting all the standing ovations from me.

J-Hope is known for his enthusiastic personality, and your neck-kissing skills are definitely getting him excited. He's cheering you on like you're performing on a talent show, and honestly, who wouldn't want that kind of support?


I think my neck just declared independence from the rest of my body, and it's all because of you, [Y/N].

RM may be the leader of BTS, but your neck kisses are making him lose control. His neck seems to have a mind of its own, and it's all thanks to you. Keep up the good work.


I'm not sure what's more addictive - your kisses or the feeling of your hair tickling my neck.

Jimin is definitely enjoying your neck kisses, but he's also noticing the little details - like how your hair feels against his skin. It's the combination of everything that's making him addicted to you.


Can we add 'neck-kissing' to the official list of BTS fan chants? I think it deserves its own chant.

V is always looking for ways to involve the fans in BTS's music and performances. And now, he wants to add neck-kissing to the list of fan chants. Honestly, we're not opposed to the idea.

So there you have it - BTS's reactions to you kissing their neck. Who knew neck-kissing could be so much fun? Keep on surprising them with your skills, [Y/N].

BTS React To You Kissing Their Neck

The Kiss That Drives BTS Wild

As a devoted BTS fan, you've always dreamed of being able to kiss your favorite member. And while kissing them on the lips would be amazing, you've always had a thing for their necks. So, when you finally got the chance to meet them backstage after a concert, you couldn't resist the urge to plant a kiss on their neck.

Here's how each member reacted:


  • Jin froze as soon as your lips touched his neck.
  • He slowly turned his head to look at you with wide eyes.
  • Uh, what was that? he asked, clearly flustered.
  • You just grinned and shrugged, feeling bold.
  • I don't know, I guess I just couldn't resist, you said.
  • Jin chuckled nervously before quickly changing the subject.


  • Suga didn't even flinch when you kissed his neck.
  • He just looked at you with a raised eyebrow, as if to say, Really?
  • What was that for? he asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
  • You shrugged and tried to play it cool.
  • I just felt like it, you said nonchalantly.
  • Suga rolled his eyes before walking away, leaving you feeling a little embarrassed.


  • J-Hope jumped when you kissed his neck.
  • He turned to face you with a big grin on his face.
  • Oh, I see how it is, he said playfully.
  • You just can't resist my charm, can you?
  • You laughed and shook your head.
  • I just couldn't help myself, you admitted.
  • J-Hope winked at you before walking away, leaving you feeling giddy.

Rap Monster

  • Rap Monster's eyes widened when you kissed his neck.
  • He quickly composed himself and turned to face you.
  • Well, that was unexpected, he said with a smirk.
  • You blushed and looked away, feeling embarrassed.
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, you said.
  • Rap Monster chuckled and put a hand on your shoulder.
  • Don't worry about it. I'm not uncomfortable, he said reassuringly.


  • Jimin let out a small gasp when you kissed his neck.
  • He turned to face you with a surprised expression.
  • What was that for? he asked, sounding a little flustered.
  • You shrugged and tried to play it cool.
  • I don't know, I just felt like it, you said.
  • Jimin smiled shyly before looking away.
  • Well, thanks, he said softly.


  • V giggled when you kissed his neck.
  • He turned to face you with a mischievous grin on his face.
  • Oh, I see how it is, he said teasingly.
  • You just can't resist my irresistible charm.
  • You rolled your eyes and shoved him playfully.
  • You wish, you said with a laugh.
  • V just laughed and walked away, leaving you feeling happy and lighthearted.


  • Jungkook's eyes widened when you kissed his neck.
  • He turned to face you with a surprised expression.
  • What was that for? he asked, sounding a little confused.
  • You shrugged and tried to play it cool.
  • I don't know, I just felt like it, you said.
  • Jungkook nodded slowly before looking away.
  • Okay, then, he said awkwardly.

Despite their different reactions, one thing is clear: BTS fans really love kissing their favorite members' necks. Who can blame them? With those handsome faces and irresistible charms, it's hard not to be tempted.

Closing Message: Thank You for Joining Our Neck-Kissing Journey with BTS!

And that's a wrap! We hope you enjoyed reading our article about how BTS would react to you kissing their neck. It was definitely a journey filled with laughter, swooning, and some unexpected reactions.

We want to take a moment to thank you for joining us on this adventure. Without you, our blog wouldn't be complete. Your support and love mean the world to us, and we hope to continue entertaining you with more BTS-related content in the future.

Before we say goodbye, let's quickly recap some of our favorite moments from the article.

Firstly, we couldn't help but chuckle at Suga's reaction. His nonchalant response to your kiss was unexpected, but it definitely had us giggling. And then there was Jungkook who turned into a blushing mess – we could practically feel his embarrassment through the screen!

But one of our favorite moments had to be Jimin's reaction. He was so taken aback by your move that he ended up stumbling and almost falling over. We can't stop replaying that moment in our heads!

Overall, we had a blast writing this article, and we hope you had just as much fun reading it. We know that kissing someone's neck is an intimate act, but we wanted to explore how BTS members would react to it in a humorous way.

Lastly, we want to give a shoutout to all the ARMY out there. Your love and support for BTS is truly inspiring, and we couldn't have asked for a better fandom to be a part of. We hope our article brought a smile to your face and made your day a little bit brighter.

With that being said, we'll wrap things up here. Thank you once again for joining us on this neck-kissing journey with BTS. We can't wait to see where our next adventure takes us!

Until then, keep on supporting BTS and spreading love and positivity wherever you go.

Take care, and we'll see you soon!

BTS React To You Kissing Their Neck

People Also Ask About BTS React To You Kissing Their Neck

What Will Happen If I Kiss BTS' Neck?

Well, you might get a reaction from them! Depending on their mood and how comfortable they are with you, they might giggle, shiver, or even turn around to kiss you back. Just be prepared for any outcome!

Is It Okay To Kiss BTS' Neck In Public?

As much as we all love BTS, it's important to remember that they are human beings with personal boundaries. Kissing someone's neck in public without their consent can be invasive and uncomfortable. So, unless you have a very close relationship with one of the members, it's probably best to save that kind of affection for private moments.

Which BTS Member Is Most Likely To React Positively To A Neck Kiss?

It's hard to say for sure, since everyone has different preferences and personalities. However, based on their past reactions to physical affection, V and Jimin seem to be the most playful and touchy-feely members of the group. So, if you want to try your luck with a neck kiss, those two might be your best bet!

Can A Neck Kiss Turn Into Something More?

Anything is possible, but it's important to communicate with your partner and make sure you both feel comfortable and respected. A neck kiss can be a sweet and intimate gesture, but it doesn't necessarily mean that someone wants to take things further. So, enjoy the moment and don't put too much pressure on yourself or your partner!


  • Kissing BTS' neck can elicit a variety of reactions, depending on the situation and the member.
  • Public displays of affection should always be respectful and considerate of others' boundaries.
  • Some members, like V and Jimin, may be more receptive to physical affection than others.
  • A neck kiss can be a sweet and intimate gesture, but it's important to communicate with your partner and respect their boundaries.