BTS Scenarios: When Your Bias Ignores You for Another Girl - How to Cope and Move On


Heartbroken over BTS scenarios when he ignores you for another girl? Find comfort and insights with our relatable stories and advice.

Oh, the agony of being ignored by your beloved BTS member for another girl! Your heart aches, your mind is racing, and you can't help but wonder: What did I do wrong? Why is he ignoring me? As a BTS fan, scenarios like this can be quite distressing, especially when you've developed an emotional connection with your bias. But don't worry, dear reader, you're not alone. In fact, this scenario is all too common among the BTS fandom. So let's take a humorous approach and explore this situation together.

First of all, let's address the elephant in the room: why is he ignoring you? Is it because you accidentally sent him a meme that was a little too spicy? Or maybe you didn't respond to his DM fast enough? Whatever the reason may be, it's important to remember that BTS members are human beings just like us. They have their own lives, emotions, and relationships outside of their idol persona.

Now, let's dive into some possible scenarios where your BTS member ignores you for another girl:

Scenario 1: He's too busy fangirling over another female celebrity.

It's no secret that BTS has a massive celebrity following, and sometimes even they get starstruck by their fellow idols. Maybe your bias had a chance encounter with a female celebrity he's been crushing on for years, and he just can't contain his excitement. Who can blame him? We all have our celebrity crushes. But don't worry, this infatuation will most likely pass once he realizes that you're the real gem in his life.

Scenario 2: He's caught up in his own world, and unintentionally ignoring you.

Let's face it, we all have those days where we're so absorbed in our own thoughts that we forget about the people around us. Maybe your BTS member is going through a tough time, and he's lost in his own headspace. This doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, it just means he needs some time to sort things out. Give him some space, but also let him know that you're there for him when he's ready to talk.

Scenario 3: He's genuinely interested in another girl.

Ouch, this scenario hurts the most. It's tough to accept the fact that your bias might have feelings for someone else. But before you jump to conclusions, ask yourself: do you really know what's going on behind the scenes? Maybe he's just being friendly with another girl, or maybe he's trying to make you jealous. Instead of assuming the worst, communicate with him and express how you feel. Who knows, he might surprise you with his response.

Regardless of the scenario, it's important to keep a level head and not jump to conclusions. Remember that BTS members are human, and they have their own reasons for their actions. Don't be afraid to communicate with your bias and express how you feel. At the end of the day, the BTS fandom is a community built on love and support. So let's continue to spread positivity and humor, even in the toughest of scenarios.

In conclusion, being ignored by your BTS member for another girl can be a tough pill to swallow. But it's important to remember that this situation is not the end of the world. Keep a positive outlook, communicate with your bias, and most importantly, remember to laugh at yourself. After all, humor is the best medicine!


It's not easy being a BTS fan, especially when your bias starts ignoring you for another girl. Whether it's in real life or just in your imagination, the feeling of being replaced is never a good one. But fear not ARMY, we've got some scenarios that will hopefully make you laugh and forget all about that other girl.

Scenario 1: The Oops, Wrong Number

You're texting your bias, trying to strike up a conversation, but they're not responding. Finally, after hours of waiting, you get a reply. But it's not from them. It's from some random person who has no idea who you are. Oops, looks like you've been texting the wrong number all along.

How to handle it

Laugh it off and try again. Make sure you double-check the number next time before you hit send. And hey, at least you made someone's day by giving them a random message from a stranger.

Scenario 2: The Too Busy For You

Your bias is always posting on social media, but they haven't replied to any of your messages in days. What could they possibly be doing that's more important than talking to you?

How to handle it

Assume they're busy saving the world from evil forces or working on their next masterpiece. Or maybe they're just binge-watching Netflix like the rest of us. Either way, don't take it personally and give them some space.

Scenario 3: The I Forgot You Exist

You run into your bias in person and excitedly say hello, but they look at you like they have no idea who you are. Did they forget about you?

How to handle it

Assume they're just having a bad day or their mind is preoccupied with something else. Or maybe they really did forget about you, but that's okay. You can always make new ARMY friends who will never forget about you.

Scenario 4: The I Only Have Eyes For Her

You see your bias flirting with another girl and it feels like a punch to the gut. Are they really interested in someone else?

How to handle it

Assume they're just being friendly and don't jump to conclusions. Or if it's clear that they're interested in someone else, remind yourself that it's okay to admire from afar and support your bias no matter what.

Scenario 5: The I'm Just Playing Hard To Get

Your bias is ignoring you, but you can't help but feel like it's all part of some elaborate plan to make you want them more. Are they playing hard to get?

How to handle it

Assume they're just busy with their own lives and not intentionally trying to ignore you. Or if you really think they're playing hard to get, play along and make them work for your attention too.

Scenario 6: The I'm Actually A Robot

Your bias seems to have no emotions and never responds to your messages. Are they even human?

How to handle it

Assume they're just busy with their schedules and don't have time to respond to every message. Or if you really think they're a robot, embrace it and start sending them memes and jokes about artificial intelligence.

Scenario 7: The I'm Just Shy

Your bias seems to avoid you whenever you're in the same room. Are they shy?

How to handle it

Assume they're just nervous around fans and don't take it personally. Or if you really think they're shy, make an effort to talk to them in a friendly and non-threatening way to help them feel more comfortable.

Scenario 8: The I'm Actually A Vampire

Your bias only responds to your messages at night and never during the day. Are they a vampire?

How to handle it

Assume they're just busy during the day and have time to respond at night. Or if you really think they're a vampire, embrace it and start sending them messages about garlic and wooden stakes.

Scenario 9: The I'm Just Overwhelmed

Your bias is getting so much attention from fans that they can't keep up with all the messages. Are they ignoring you on purpose?

How to handle it

Assume they're just overwhelmed with their schedule and fan interactions. Or if you really think they're ignoring you, try reaching out to them through different channels like fan mail or social media.

Scenario 10: The I'm Just A Figment Of Your Imagination

You start to wonder if your bias is even real or if you've made them up in your head. Are you just imagining all of this?

How to handle it

Assume they're real and keep supporting them no matter what. Or if you really think they're a figment of your imagination, embrace it and start writing fan fiction about your imaginary bias.


Being ignored by your bias can be tough, but hopefully these scenarios have helped you see the humor in the situation. Remember to always support BTS no matter what and never give up on your dreams of meeting your bias in person. Who knows, maybe one day they'll be ignoring that other girl for you instead.

BTS Scenarios When He Ignores You For Another Girl

It's the worst feeling in the world when your crush ignores you for another girl. But if you're a fan of BTS, you know that they always keep it interesting. Here are ten scenarios that might happen if your BTS bias decides to give you the cold shoulder for someone else.

The Savage Move

Picture this: You're walking down the hall and you see your BTS crush coming towards you. Your heart starts racing as he gets closer, but then he walks right past you and gives the girl next to you a high-five like it's the Olympics. Ouch. That's the savage move and it hurts like a punch in the gut.

The Too Cool for School Move

You try to make conversation with your crush, but he pretends not to hear you while holding a conversation with the girl beside him. It's like you're invisible or something. That's the too cool for school move, and it's frustrating as heck.

The Exaggerated Joke Move

You try to lighten the mood by telling a joke, but your crush doesn't even acknowledge it. Meanwhile, he laughs a little too hard at the other girl's jokes and completely misses your punchline. That's the exaggerated joke move and it's just plain rude.

The Selective Listening Move

You try to join in on the conversation, but your crush only responds to the other girl's questions and doesn't acknowledge your comments. That's the selective listening move and it's just plain disrespectful.

The Laser Focus Move

Your crush stares intently at the other girl like she's the only person in the room and completely tunes you out. That's the laser focus move and it's like you're not even there.

The Pretend You're Not Even There Move

Your crush talks to the other girl like you're not even in the same vicinity. That's the pretend you're not even there move and it's like you're invisible.

The One-Word Responses Move

Your crush gives you short, curt answers while carrying on an animated conversation with the other girl. That's the one-word responses move and it's just plain rude.

The Divide and Conquer Move

Your crush intentionally stands in between you and the other girl to avoid talking to you. That's the divide and conquer move and it's just plain mean.

The Avoid Eye Contact Move

Your crush actively avoids making eye contact with you and instead focuses on the other girl. That's the avoid eye contact move and it's like you're not even there.

The Silent Treatment Move

Your crush straight up ignores you and acts like you don't even exist in his world. That's the silent treatment move and it's just plain hurtful.

So there you have it, ten scenarios that might happen if your BTS crush decides to ignore you for another girl. But hey, don't worry too much about it. At least you got to see your bias up close, right? And who knows, maybe he'll come around eventually. In the meantime, just keep being your awesome self and don't let anyone bring you down.

BTS Scenarios When He Ignores You For Another Girl

The Situation

So, you’re dating a member of BTS and everything seems to be going great. You’re laughing, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company when suddenly, another girl enters the room. All of a sudden, your significant other is ignoring you and paying all of their attention to her.

Point of View

As someone who has been in this exact situation with my own BTS bias, I can tell you that it’s not a great feeling. But, at the same time, it’s kind of hilarious to watch them fawn over someone else like a bunch of lovesick puppies.

The Humorous Take

Here are some scenarios that might make you chuckle if you find yourself in this situation:

  1. He starts speaking in another language
  2. One surefire way to know that your BTS bias is really into someone else is when they start speaking in Korean or Japanese (or whatever language they’re most comfortable in). Suddenly, you’re left staring at them blankly while they laugh and joke with the other girl in a language you don’t understand.

  3. He becomes a different person
  4. Have you ever noticed how different people can act around someone they’re attracted to? Well, the same goes for BTS members. Your sweet, funny, and caring significant other suddenly morphs into a suave, confident, and charming version of themselves. It’s both impressive and slightly alarming.

  5. He forgets you exist
  6. When your BTS bias is really into someone else, they can become completely oblivious to your presence. You could be standing right next to them, trying to get their attention, and they wouldn’t even notice. It’s like you’ve become invisible.

  7. He gets competitive
  8. Depending on your BTS bias’s personality, they might get a little competitive when another girl enters the picture. Suddenly, it’s a battle for their attention and affection, and you’re caught in the middle. It’s like watching a K-drama unfold in real life.

In Conclusion

While it’s not exactly fun to watch your BTS bias ignore you for another girl, it can be pretty entertaining to see them get all flustered and awkward around someone they’re attracted to. And, at the end of the day, you know they’re still crazy about you (even if they don’t show it in the moment).

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about how to win over your BTS bias’s heart.

Keywords Definition
BTS A South Korean boy band consisting of seven members who debuted in 2013.
Bias Your favorite member of BTS.
K-drama A South Korean television drama series that is often characterized by a complex storyline and intense emotional moments.

Closing Message: Don't Worry, It's Just a Scenario!

Well folks, we've come to the end of our journey through the world of BTS scenarios when he ignores you for another girl. I hope you've enjoyed reading along as much as I've enjoyed writing it. But before we say goodbye, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned.

Firstly, it's important to remember that these scenarios are just that – scenarios. They're fictional stories designed to entertain and provoke thought, not real-life situations that you should be fretting over. So, if you find yourself getting worked up over a particular scenario, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it's all in good fun.

Secondly, it's worth noting that communication is key in any relationship. If your partner is ignoring you or seems to be showing interest in someone else, talk to them about it. Don't assume the worst or let your insecurities get the better of you – give them the benefit of the doubt and have an honest conversation about how you're feeling.

That being said, sometimes things just don't work out, and that's okay too. If you find yourself in a situation where your partner is more interested in someone else, it may be time to move on. It's never easy, but sometimes it's for the best.

Now, let's end things on a lighter note with a few of my favorite BTS memes:


And finally, always remember that you are loved and valued, regardless of whether or not your crush notices you. Keep being your amazing self, and don't let anyone else's actions determine your self-worth.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and until next time – stay fabulous!

People Also Ask About BTS Scenarios When He Ignores You For Another Girl

What should I do if my BTS bias ignores me for another girl?

First of all, take a deep breath and don't panic. It's important to remember that your bias is a celebrity and you are a fan. It's normal for them to interact with other people, including girls. If you feel comfortable, try reaching out to your bias and simply ask how they're doing. If they don't respond, it's okay to give them space and move on.

Why do BTS scenarios always involve another girl?

Well, let's face it – drama sells. And what's more dramatic than a love triangle? Plus, it's a common theme in K-dramas and K-pop songs. Just remember that these scenarios are fictional and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

How can I make my BTS bias notice me instead of the other girl?

  1. Be yourself. Your bias will appreciate your authenticity and sincerity.
  2. Show your support. Attend their concerts, buy their merchandise, and share their music on social media.
  3. Don't be possessive. Remember that your bias is free to interact with whoever they want, including other fans.

Is it normal to feel jealous when my BTS bias talks to another girl?

Yes, it's completely normal to feel a twinge of jealousy. However, it's important to keep things in perspective. Your bias is a celebrity and their interactions with other people are part of their job. Try not to take it too personally.

What should I do if my BTS bias is dating someone else?

Respect their privacy and personal life. It's not your place to interfere or judge. Focus on enjoying their music and supporting them as an artist.

Can BTS scenarios be based on real-life events?

It's possible, but it's important to remember that these scenarios are still fictional and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Plus, many scenarios are simply created for entertainment purposes and aren't meant to reflect reality.