Exploring the Mandatory Military Service for BTS: What Happens When They Have to Serve?


Do BTS members have to serve in the military? Learn about South Korea's mandatory military service and how it may affect the popular K-pop group.

As a fan of BTS, you might be wondering if the members have to go to the military. It's a question that has been on the minds of many ARMYs for quite some time now, and the answer is not as straightforward as you might think. But fear not, we're here to break it down for you in a way that's both informative and entertaining.

First of all, let's get one thing straight: all able-bodied men in South Korea are required to serve in the military for roughly two years. This means that the members of BTS are not exempt from this requirement, despite their worldwide fame and success. However, there are some exceptions and alternative options that they could potentially explore.

One potential option for BTS is to defer their military service until a later date. This is something that many Korean celebrities have done in the past, often citing their busy schedules and obligations as the reason for the delay. Of course, this would only be possible if the government allows them to do so, which is not a guarantee.

Another possibility is for BTS to apply for exemption from military service altogether. While this is a rare occurrence, there have been cases where individuals were deemed exempt due to extenuating circumstances such as health issues or exceptional talent in certain fields. However, it's worth noting that the criteria for exemption is strict and not easily met.

So what does this all mean for ARMYs? Well, it means that there's a chance we may have to say goodbye to our beloved BTS members for a couple of years while they fulfill their military duty. But in the meantime, we can rest assured knowing that they are doing their part to serve their country and protect its citizens.

Of course, there are also some potential silver linings to this situation. For one, the members of BTS will likely come back from their military service more mature and experienced than ever before. They may also have the opportunity to explore new interests and passions during their time in the military.

Furthermore, the break that BTS takes for their military service could potentially be a good thing for the group as a whole. It could give them some much-needed time to rest and recharge after years of non-stop touring and promoting. Plus, it would make their eventual comeback all the more exciting and anticipated.

At the end of the day, the question of whether or not BTS has to go to the military is one that only time will answer. But regardless of what happens, we know that the members will continue to make us proud with their hard work, dedication, and talent.

So let's enjoy our time with BTS while we can, and look forward to all the amazing things they will accomplish in the future - both as idols and as citizens of South Korea.


Oh no! The dreaded topic that every ARMY (BTS fan) has been dreading: military enlistment. Yes, it's true, in South Korea, all able-bodied men between the ages of 18-28 are required to serve in the military for approximately two years. So, the question on everyone's mind is, do BTS have to go to the military? Spoiler alert: yes, they do.

What is Military Enlistment?

In South Korea, all able-bodied men between the ages of 18-28 are required to serve in the military for approximately two years. This is a mandatory requirement and there are no exceptions. Even if you're a famous K-Pop idol like BTS, you still have to go.

Why Do They Have to Go?

The reason why military enlistment is mandatory in South Korea is due to the ongoing threat from North Korea. The Korean War ended in 1953 with an armistice, not a peace treaty. This means that technically, both North and South Korea are still at war. This is why South Korea takes its national security so seriously and requires all able-bodied men to serve in the military.

How Will It Affect BTS?

So, how will this affect BTS? Well, it's no secret that BTS is one of the biggest boy bands in the world right now. They have a massive fan base and their music and performances have touched the hearts of millions. However, when it comes to military enlistment, there are no exceptions. All able-bodied men must serve, regardless of their fame or success.

When Will They Go?

As of right now, there is no official announcement regarding when BTS will go to the military. However, the oldest member of BTS, Jin, will turn 28 in December of 2021. This means that he will have to enlist sometime next year. The other members will follow suit, with the youngest member, Jungkook, enlisting in 2027.

What Will Happen to BTS?

The big question on everyone's mind is, what will happen to BTS when they go to the military? Will they disband? Will they continue to make music? Well, there's no need to panic just yet. When a member of a K-Pop group goes to the military, they are usually gone for approximately two years. During this time, the remaining members can still continue to make music and perform. It's not uncommon for K-Pop groups to have hiatuses or temporary sub-units while members are serving in the military.

What About Their International Tour?

BTS has a massive international tour planned for 2021. So, what happens if a member has to go to the military during this time? Well, it's unlikely that a member would have to go to the military mid-tour. They would most likely finish the tour first and then enlist afterwards. However, this could potentially delay the release of new music or the start of a new tour.

Will They Be Able to Perform After Enlistment?

When a member of a K-Pop group goes to the military, they are usually gone for approximately two years. After their service is complete, they are free to return to their normal lives and careers. This means that after BTS completes their military service, they will be able to return to making music and performing for their fans.


So, there you have it. Do BTS have to go to the military? Yes, they do. While it's certainly a bittersweet moment for ARMY, we can take comfort in the fact that this is a mandatory requirement for all able-bodied men in South Korea and that BTS will be able to return to making music and performing for their fans once their service is complete. Until then, let's continue to support and love BTS as they embark on this new chapter of their lives.

The Army Is Calling...But Is It For Jin Or For Real?

That's the question on everyone's minds: which member of BTS will be the first to serve in the military? Will it be Jin, the oldest member, or will they all go together as a group? We can only wait and see. But one thing's for sure, their time in the military will be a performance bootcamp like no other.

Army Service or Performance Bootcamp?

Let's face it, BTS is already used to a grueling training schedule. They spend hours perfecting their choreography and vocals, so will they even notice a difference when they enlist? Maybe the military should just recruit BTS as their new trainers. They could lead group fitness sessions that would have soldiers feeling like they're dancing on stage at a concert.

BTS: The New Face of the Armed Forces

Move over, Uncle Sam. It's time for some K-Pop flair in our military advertisements. Imagine BTS in full uniform, standing at attention, with their perfectly synchronized moves. The military would have no trouble recruiting new soldiers with BTS as their poster boys.

Ironically, 'Bulletproof Boy Scouts' Are Not Immune to Conscription

We thought their name was a hint towards their military career, but alas, the Korean government does not take song titles into account. BTS may be bulletproof on stage, but they'll still have to abide by military regulations like everyone else.

The Military Will Finally Learn What Descendants of the Sun Really Means

We bet BTS will have their own rendition of the popular military drama, only this time with a lot more hip thrusts. The military will never be the same after BTS brings their signature moves to the barracks.

Bad News for BTS Haters: They're Skipping Basic Training for a World Tour

Sorry haters, but it looks like BTS won't be playing catch-up when it comes to serving their country. They'll be too busy touring the world and spreading their message of love and unity. But don't worry, they'll still come back home as proud soldiers.

Breaking News: Jimin's Stunning Performance in His Military Uniform

We can't wait to see what kind of moves Jimin will show off in his army fatigues. He might even start a new dance trend. Who knows, maybe the military will even incorporate some BTS choreography into their training. We can dream, right?

BTS Goes to Bootcamp: The Reality Show We All Need

Forget Naked and Afraid, we want to see BTS go through basic training while still nailing their choreography. It would be the ultimate reality show mashup. Plus, we'd finally get to see how strong their bond really is.

The Benefits of Serving with BTS: A Group Fitness Plan

Imagine coming out of the military with a boss bod and the ability to dance like J-Hope. Sign us up. Serving with BTS would be the ultimate group fitness plan. Plus, you'd have the added bonus of being part of one of the biggest boy bands in the world.

BTS Goes to the Military: A Fresh Start for Their Hair

With regulations on hair length and color, we're excited to see a new look for BTS. Maybe V will finally have to retire his signature bandana. Who knows, maybe they'll even start a new trend in military hairstyles. The possibilities are endless.

Do BTS Have to Go to the Military?

The Big Question: Will BTS Enlist in the Military?

As all K-pop fans know, South Korea has mandatory military service for its male citizens between the ages of 18 and 28. This means that even our beloved BTS members will have to serve in the military sooner or later. But the big question is when?

For those who don't know, BTS is a seven-member boy band from South Korea that has taken the world by storm. They have millions of fans all over the globe, and their music has won numerous awards. But while they are at the peak of their success, their military enlistment is looming, and fans are worried about what will happen to the group.

The Humorous Side of Things

While the thought of BTS enlisting in the military may be a cause for concern for many fans, there is also a humorous side to things. Here are some funny takes on the issue:

  1. Maybe they can form a military band and continue to make music while serving their country.
  2. They can always perform for their fellow soldiers during their downtime.
  3. Perhaps their army training will inspire them to come up with new dance moves.
  4. Who knows, they might even write a hit song about their military experience.

Of course, these are just light-hearted takes on the situation, but they do bring up an important point. While BTS's military enlistment will undoubtedly impact their career, it doesn't mean the end for them.

The Verdict

So, what is the verdict? Do BTS have to go to the military? The answer is yes. All able-bodied South Korean men are required to serve in the military for a minimum of 18 months. However, there is some good news for fans. In December 2020, the South Korean government passed a law that allows K-pop stars to defer their enlistment until the age of 30. This means that BTS can continue to perform and create music for several more years before they have to go to the military.

In conclusion, while BTS's military enlistment is inevitable, it doesn't mean the end of the group. They will have to take a break from their music careers to serve their country, but they will be back. And who knows, maybe their military experience will inspire them to create even more amazing music.

Table Information:

Keyword Definition
BTS A seven-member boy band from South Korea that has taken the world by storm.
K-pop A genre of popular music originating in South Korea.
Military Enlistment The compulsory service of able-bodied male citizens in the military for a minimum of 18 months in South Korea.
Deferment The temporary postponement of military service until a later age or date.

Closing Message: BTS and the Military

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our journey through the murky waters of BTS and their military service. We've explored the pros and cons, the rumors and facts, the hopes and fears surrounding this thorny issue, and hopefully shed a little light on what might happen in the future.

But now it's time to say goodbye. Or is it?

That's right, my dear readers, because as much as we might want to wrap up this topic with a neat little bow and move on to the next thing, the reality is that the question of whether or not BTS will have to serve in the military is an ongoing one.

After all, the rules and regulations surrounding military service in South Korea are constantly changing, and there's always the possibility that BTS themselves will have some influence on the decision-making process.

So while we may have explored this topic in depth, it's important to remember that the story is far from over. Who knows what the future holds for BTS and their military service?

One thing is for sure, though - whatever happens, the ARMY will be there to support them every step of the way.

Because at the end of the day, it's not about whether or not BTS serve in the military. It's about the music they create, the connections they forge with their fans, and the impact they have on the world.

So let's keep dancing to Dynamite, singing along to Butter, and supporting these seven incredible human beings as they navigate the ups and downs of life, fame, and everything in between.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and until next time...

Borahae, ARMY!

Do BTS Have To Go To The Military?

Why Are People Asking This Question?

As fans of BTS worldwide, many are concerned when their favorite members will be enrolling in the military. This is because South Korea has a mandatory military service for all able-bodied men between the ages of 18-28. As most of the BTS members are in their mid-twenties, fans are worried that the group's activities will have to be put on hold while they serve their time in the army.

What Is The Humorous Answer To This Question?

Well, it's simple - no one can escape the Korean military! Not even the worldwide sensation that is BTS. However, let's not get too worked up about it. We all know that the BTS members are more than capable of handling any situation thrown their way. Plus, who knows - maybe they'll come back with even more killer dance moves and music to share with us!

What Is The Real Answer To This Question?

  1. Yes, all able-bodied men in South Korea are required to serve in the military for a minimum of 18 months.
  2. However, there are some exceptions and alternative services that can be provided, such as serving as a public service worker or volunteer firefighter.
  3. It has been announced that BTS will not be exempt from military service, however, the government is considering new legislation that would allow pop culture artists to delay their service until the age of 30.
  4. Until then, the BTS members will likely serve their time in the military at different times, so as not to disrupt the group's activities too much.

So, while we may have to say goodbye to some of our favorite BTS members for a while, we can rest assured that they will come back stronger and better than ever before. And who knows - maybe we'll even get a few solo projects from them during their time in the military!