How to Calculate BTS' Age in Korean: Tips and Tricks for Fans!


Discover the age of BTS members in Korean with our guide. Find out how long they've been in the industry and their journey to success.

Have you ever wondered how old your favorite K-pop group BTS really is in Korean age? Well, let me tell you, it's not as straightforward as you might think. In Korea, age is calculated differently than in Western countries, and it can be a bit confusing for those who are unfamiliar with the system. But fear not, because I'm here to break it down for you in a way that's both informative and entertaining.

First of all, let me explain how Korean age works. In Korea, you're considered to be one year old as soon as you're born. Then, on January 1st of each year, everyone's age goes up by one, regardless of their actual birth date. So, if you were born on December 31st, you would still be considered to be two years old on January 1st of the following year. Got it? Good.

Now, let's get to the good stuff. BTS, aka Bangtan Sonyeondan, aka Bulletproof Boy Scouts, aka the biggest boy band in the world, has been around since 2013. That means they've been making music and stealing hearts for a whopping eight years now. But how old are they in Korean age?

Well, let's start with the oldest member, Jin. Jin was born on December 4th, 1992, which means he's currently 29 years old in international age. However, in Korean age, he's already 31 years old! That's right, Jin is two years older in Korea than he is in the rest of the world. So, if you're ever talking to a Korean ARMY and they refer to Jin as a hyung, that's why.

Next up, we have Suga. Suga was born on March 9th, 1993, which makes him 28 years old in international age. But in Korean age, he's already 30! That means he's only one year younger than Jin, despite being born a few months later.

Now, let's talk about J-Hope. J-Hope was born on February 18th, 1994, which means he's currently 27 years old in international age. However, in Korean age, he's already 29! That's a pretty big difference, considering he's almost 30 in Korea but still in his mid-twenties in the rest of the world.

Moving on to RM, aka Rap Monster. RM was born on September 12th, 1994, which makes him 26 years old in international age. But in Korean age, he's already 28! It seems like the age gap between the international and Korean age is getting bigger and bigger with each member.

Now, let's talk about Jimin. Jimin was born on October 13th, 1995, which means he's currently 25 years old in international age. However, in Korean age, he's already 27! That's a two-year difference, just like Jin.

Next up, we have V, aka Taehyung. V was born on December 30th, 1995, which makes him 25 years old in international age. But in Korean age, he's already 27! That means he's the same age as Jimin in Korea, even though he was born a few months later.

Finally, we have the youngest member, Jungkook. Jungkook was born on September 1st, 1997, which makes him 23 years old in international age. But in Korean age, he's already 25! That means he's only two years younger than the oldest member, Jin, in Korea.

So, there you have it. BTS may be young and fresh-faced in international age, but in Korean age, they're a bunch of experienced and respected hyungs. Now you know how old BTS is in Korean age, and you can impress all your K-pop friends with your newfound knowledge. You're welcome.


Okay, BTS fans, let's get real here. We all know that BTS has been around for a while now, but the question on everyone's mind is: how old are they really? Sure, we can all look up their birthdays and do some quick math, but where's the fun in that? In this article, we're going to dive deep into the age of BTS in Korean and try to answer this burning question once and for all.

The Age System in Korea

Before we can even begin to answer the question of how old BTS is in Korean, we need to understand the age system used in Korea. In Korea, everyone is considered to be one year old at birth, and they add another year to their age on New Year's Day. So, if someone is born on December 31st, they will be considered two years old on January 1st. Confused yet? Yeah, me too.

BTS Members' Ages


Let's start with the oldest member of BTS, Jin. He was born on December 4th, 1992, which means that he is currently 29 years old in Korean age. However, in international age (which is calculated by subtracting the year you were born from the current year), he is 28 years old. So, depending on which age system you use, Jin is either a wise old man or a young and sprightly lad.


Next up is Suga, who was born on March 9th, 1993. This makes him 29 years old in Korean age and 28 years old in international age. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel old just writing this article.


J-Hope, born on February 18th, 1994, is currently 28 years old in Korean age and 27 years old in international age. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel like a dinosaur compared to these guys.

Rap Monster (RM)

Okay, we're halfway through the members of BTS and my brain is already starting to hurt from all this math. RM, born on September 12th, 1994, is currently 27 years old in Korean age and 26 years old in international age.


Jimin, born on October 13th, 1995, is currently 26 years old in Korean age and 25 years old in international age. Is it just me, or are these guys getting younger and younger?


V, born on December 30th, 1995, is currently 26 years old in Korean age and 25 years old in international age. He's the same age as Jimin, but his birthday is one day before the New Year, so he gets to be a year older. Lucky guy.


Last but not least, we have the youngest member of BTS, Jungkook. Born on September 1st, 1997, he is currently 24 years old in Korean age and 23 years old in international age. He's practically a baby compared to the rest of the group.


So, there you have it. After all that math, we can finally say with confidence that the members of BTS are all somewhere between 23 and 29 years old, depending on which age system you use. But let's be real, age is just a number, right? These guys are still killing the game and making music that transcends age and language barriers. So, whether you're a seasoned BTS fan or a newcomer to the fandom, let's all just appreciate these talented guys for who they are and the amazing music they create.

BTS: We've Got Wrinkles, But We Still Kill It

Do you ever wonder how old BTS is in Korean years? Well, let me tell you, grandpas and their swaggy moves are no longer boys, but still dreamy AF. BTS is aging like fine wine. From cute boys to wise men, BTS has seen it all.

Jin: Our Worldwide Handsome Minivan Dad

Let's start with Jin, the oldest member of BTS. At the ripe age of 28 (Korean age), Jin is our worldwide handsome minivan dad. He may be getting wrinkles, but his looks are still killing it.

RM: The K-Pop MVP Who's Seen It All

Next up is RM, the K-Pop MVP who's seen it all. At 27 (Korean age), he's the leader and the wise one of the group. RM might have a few more gray hairs, but he's still got the flow and the lyrics that make us swoon.

J-Hope: Our Forever Dancing Sunshine

Now, let's talk about J-Hope, our forever dancing sunshine. At 27 (Korean age), he's still got the moves and the energy to light up the stage. J-Hope may not be as young as he used to be, but he's still got that smile that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

V and Jungkook: Adorable Maknaes Who Are Now Legal AF

And last but not least, we have V and Jungkook, the adorable maknaes who are now legal AF. At 25 (Korean age), they're no longer the youngest members of BTS, but they're still just as cute and talented as ever.

Our Suga might be sour, but he's still damn fierce. And let's not forget about Jimin, who's still got those killer abs even though he's 26 (Korean age).

In conclusion, BTS may not be the young boys they once were, but they're still killing it on stage. They may have a few wrinkles and gray hairs, but they're aging like fine wine. No longer boys, but still dreamy AF. BTS: we've got wrinkles, but we still kill it.

BTS: How Old Are They in Korean?

The Confusion of Age

When it comes to the age of our beloved BTS members, there seems to be a never-ending confusion among fans. This is mainly because of the difference between the Western and Korean age systems. So, how old are BTS members in Korean age? Let's dive in!

The Difference Between Western and Korean Age Systems

In the Western age system, we consider the age from the day we were born. For example, if someone was born on January 1st, 2000, they would turn 22 years old on January 1st, 2022.

On the other hand, the Korean age system is a bit different. The age starts from one year old at the time of birth, and everyone gains one year on New Year's Day, regardless of their actual birthday. So, if someone was born on December 31st, 2000, they would turn two years old on January 1st, 2001.

How Old Are BTS Members in Korean Age?

To make things simpler, let's take the example of RM, who was born on September 12th, 1994, according to the Western age system.

  • If we consider the Western age system, RM turned 27 years old on September 12th, 2021.
  • However, in the Korean age system, RM turned 29 years old on January 1st, 2021, as he was born in 1994.

So, in short, BTS members are all two years older in Korean age than they are in Western age.

The Humorous Take

Now that we've cleared up the confusion, let's take a humorous look at how BTS members would react to being two years older in Korean age.

  1. Jin: I'm the oldest member, and now I'm even older in Korean age? I need some extra love and attention from my ARMYs to make up for it!
  2. Suga: Does this mean I can finally start complaining about my back pain and joint problems like a true grandpa?
  3. J-Hope: I'm already the sunshine of BTS, so two more years won't make a difference! I'll keep shining brighter than ever.
  4. RM: I guess I'm officially in my late twenties now. Time to start thinking about investing in real estate and planning for retirement.
  5. Jimin: Two more years of experience means two more years of growth. I'll keep working hard to become a better dancer and singer.
  6. V: I don't care about age, I'll always be a playful and mischievous alien prince.
  7. Jungkook: I'm still the golden maknae, even if I'm two years older in Korean age. Nothing can stop me from achieving my dreams.


So, there you have it - BTS members are all two years older in Korean age than they are in Western age. But no matter how old they get, they'll always be young at heart and full of energy, ready to conquer the world with their music.

The Truth About BTS's Age in Korean

Well folks, we've finally come to the end of our journey to uncover the age of BTS in Korean. It's been a wild ride, but hopefully you've learned something new about these talented idols.

As we've discussed throughout this article, age is a pretty complex concept in Korean culture. And when it comes to BTS, things get even more confusing. But after hours of research and investigation, we've finally pieced together the truth about their ages in Korean.

First things first, let's talk about the members who were born in Korea. Jungkook, Jimin, V, and Jin were all born and raised in South Korea, which means their Korean ages are the same as their international ages. So if you were born in 1997 (like Jungkook), you'd be 23 years old in both Korean and international age.

But things start to get tricky when we look at the other members. Suga, RM, and J-Hope were all born in 1993, which means they're technically older than the four Korean-born members. However, because they were born before the Korean New Year, their Korean ages are one year older than their international ages.

Confused yet? Don't worry, we're not done. The oldest member of BTS, Jin, was actually born in 1992. But because his birthday falls before the Korean New Year, his Korean age is the same as Suga, RM, and J-Hope's. So even though he's the eldest by international age, he's actually the same age as those three members in Korean age.

And finally, we have the enigmatic case of Jung Hoseok (aka J-Hope). Because his birthday falls on February 18th, he's right on the cusp of the Korean New Year. Depending on the year, his Korean age can either be the same as Suga and RM's or the same as Jungkook, Jimin, V, and Jin's. Talk about a rollercoaster!

So there you have it folks, the truth about BTS's age in Korean. It may not be the most straightforward concept, but it's definitely fascinating to learn about. And who knows, maybe you'll impress your friends with your newfound knowledge next time you're jamming out to Dynamite.

But before we go, we have one more thing to say. Whether they're 23 or 28 (in Korean age, of course), BTS will always be kings in our hearts. Their talent, dedication, and passion for music knows no bounds, and we can't wait to see what they have in store for us next.

Thanks for joining us on this age-defying adventure, and we hope to see you back here soon for more K-pop goodness!

How Old Is BTS In Korean?

People Also Ask:

1. How old are the members of BTS in Korean age?

The members of BTS have different ages, but they are all older in Korean age. Here is a breakdown of their ages:

  • Jin - 29 years old (born in 1992)
  • Suga - 28 years old (born in 1993)
  • J-Hope - 27 years old (born in 1994)
  • RM - 26 years old (born in 1994)
  • Jimin - 26 years old (born in 1995)
  • V - 25 years old (born in 1995)
  • Jungkook - 24 years old (born in 1997)

2. Why is Korean age different from international age?

In Korea, everyone is considered to be one year old at birth, and then they turn a year older on New Year's Day. This means that someone who was born in December could be considered two years old in Korean age, even though they are only a few weeks old in international age.

Answer Using Humorous Voice and Tone:

Well, well, well. You want to know how old BTS is in Korean age? Let me tell you, they may look like young, fresh-faced boys, but they're actually pretty Korean age, that is.

Let's break it down for you. Jin is practically ancient at 29 years old in Korean age. Suga is not far behind at 28, and J-Hope and RM are both 27. Jimin and V are both 26, while the youngest member, Jungkook, is a mere 24.

Why is Korean age so different from international age, you ask? Well, I guess the Koreans just like to keep things interesting. Plus, it's kind of funny to see people's reactions when they find out their Korean age is older than their actual age.

So there you have it, folks. BTS may be young at heart, but in Korean age, they're practically grandpas. Just kidding, they're still cool as ever.