Revealed: BTS' Military Service Obligations - Do The Superstars Have To Serve?


Does BTS have to go to the military? This is a question that many fans have been asking, and the answer is yes. All male citizens in South Korea are required to serve in the military.

Have you ever wondered if your favorite K-pop group, BTS, has to go to the military? Well, as much as we hate to break it to you, the answer is yes. Yes, they do. But hold on, don't start crying just yet! Let us explain why this mandatory requirement might not be as bad as it seems.

First and foremost, let's talk about what the military service in South Korea means. Every able-bodied man between the ages of 18 to 28 must enlist for a minimum of 18 months. It's a way for the country to protect itself from potential threats and to instill a sense of discipline and responsibility in its citizens. It's a rite of passage that every Korean man must go through, including our beloved BTS members.

But don't worry, because there are some exceptions and alternatives that could potentially delay or shorten their enlistment period. For instance, athletes who win medals at the Olympics or Asian Games can receive exemptions. Additionally, those who have completed advanced degrees in certain fields like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) can apply for a deferment. Who knows, maybe one of the members has secretly been studying rocket science all this time?

Now, let's get to the juicy part. When will BTS be enlisting? Unfortunately, we don't know for sure. The Korean government recently revised the law to allow pop culture artists to postpone their enlistment until they turn 30. This means that Jin, the oldest member, has until December 2022 to enlist. However, it's unclear whether BTS will take advantage of this new rule or choose to enlist earlier.

But imagine this: a world without BTS for almost two whole years. It's a heartbreaking thought, isn't it? However, we're here to tell you that it's not all doom and gloom. In fact, some fans believe that military service might actually benefit the members in the long run.

For one, military service is known to build character and discipline. It could potentially help the members mature even more and develop new skills that they can apply to their music careers. Imagine a more disciplined and focused BTS? Sounds like a recipe for success to us.

Furthermore, military service could also be a way for the members to take a break from their hectic schedules and recharge. Being an idol is no easy feat, and the members have been working non-stop for years. They deserve a well-earned break, don't you think?

Of course, we'll miss them terribly while they're away, but we know that they'll come back stronger and better than ever. In the meantime, we'll continue to support them and cherish the memories we've made with them so far.

All in all, the idea of BTS going to the military may seem daunting at first, but it's ultimately a part of their duty as Korean citizens. Whether they choose to enlist early or take advantage of the new law, we trust that they'll make the best decision for themselves and their fans. And who knows, maybe they'll even surprise us with new music or projects during their time in the military. We can only wait and see.

The Big Question: Does BTS Have to Go to the Military?

It's a question that has been on the minds of ARMYs everywhere: does BTS have to go to the military? For those who are unfamiliar with South Korean law, all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 28 are required to serve in the military for about two years. And, unfortunately for us, that includes our beloved BTS members.

But Wait, There's Hope!

Before we start panicking about BTS being ripped away from us for two years, let's take a deep breath and consider some possible solutions. One option would be for the members to receive an exemption due to their contributions to South Korean culture. Another possibility is for them to defer their service until they're older, which has been done in the past for artists and athletes. And, of course, there's always the chance that the law could change before BTS becomes eligible.

The Pros and Cons of Exemptions

On one hand, getting an exemption from military service would mean that BTS could continue promoting and producing music without any interruptions. However, it could also lead to criticism and backlash from those who believe that everyone should be treated equally under the law. Plus, if other male idols were not given exemptions, it could create tension and division within the K-pop community.

Deferment: A Temporary Solution?

If BTS were to defer their military service, it would give them a few more years to continue their careers before having to take a hiatus. However, this solution is not without its drawbacks. For one, it could limit their opportunities to perform overseas or collaborate with international artists, as they may not want to risk being unable to return to South Korea when their deferment ends. Additionally, they would still ultimately have to serve in the military, which means that we'll have to go through this whole ordeal again in a few years.

What Would Happen to BTS During Their Military Service?

Assuming that BTS does end up serving in the military, what would happen to them during their service? For starters, they would have to undergo basic training like any other recruit. After that, they could potentially be assigned to a variety of roles, including combat positions or non-combat positions like musicians or public relations officers.

The Impact on BTS's Career

There's no denying that serving in the military would have a significant impact on BTS's career. They would have to put their music and other activities on hold for two years, which means that we wouldn't be able to see them perform or release new content during that time. It's also possible that some fans may lose interest or move on to other groups while they're gone.

Will BTS Come Back Stronger Than Ever?

Despite the challenges that come with military service, many people believe that BTS will come back stronger than ever. Not only will they have had time to rest and recharge, but they'll also have a unique perspective on life and the world around them after their service. Plus, their absence will likely make their fans even more excited for their return.

Looking to the Future

Ultimately, we don't know what the future holds for BTS and their military service. They could receive an exemption, defer their service, or serve as planned. But whatever happens, we can be sure that they'll continue to work hard and make us proud, no matter where they are in the world.

Conclusion: Let's Enjoy BTS While We Can!

As ARMYs, we should focus on enjoying BTS's music and performances while we can, rather than worrying about their military service. After all, they've given us so much already, and we should be grateful for all the joy and inspiration they've brought into our lives. So let's support them through whatever comes next, and look forward to seeing them shine even brighter in the future.

Say What? BTS Has to Go to the Military?

Army, get ready to miss BTS for a while! It's true, our beloved K-Pop group has to serve in the military just like every other able-bodied South Korean man. The South Korean government requires all men between the ages of 18 and 28 to serve in the military for about two years. This means that all seven members of BTS will have to temporarily put their music careers on hold.

But Who Will Keep the Suga High Going?

One of the biggest concerns for ARMYs is how we'll survive without new BTS music for two whole years. We need our daily dose of Suga's sick beats and clever lyrics! Not to mention the perfect harmonies of Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, RM, J-Hope, and V. It's going to be tough, but we'll have to find ways to cope.

Kim Taehyung in a Military Uniform...We Can't Even Imagine It!

Another concern is how our boys will look in military uniforms. Will they still look as gorgeous as ever? Will they be able to keep their unique style while adhering to military regulations? We can't even imagine what Kim Taehyung will look like in army green!

Jungkook Needs to Work on His Push-up Game, Not His Vocal Game!

We know that BTS will work hard to fulfill their military duties, but we can't help but worry about their physical fitness. Will Jungkook be able to keep up with the grueling training? He needs to work on his push-up game, not his vocal game!

We Can't Wait for the BTS Military Uniform Collection!

On the bright side, we can't wait for the BTS military uniform collection. We're sure that their unique style will still shine through even in army green. We'll be the first in line to buy their official military merchandise.

Do You Think RM Will Start Rapping Drill Commands?

We also can't help but wonder if RM will start rapping drill commands. We can already hear him saying, Left, left, left, right, left! with his signature flair. Who knows, maybe he'll even create a military-themed BTS song.

Jimin May Have to Trade in His Mic for a Rifle...Yikes!

It's also a bit scary to think about our boys handling rifles and other weapons. Jimin may have to trade in his mic for a rifle...yikes! We hope they stay safe and come back to us unharmed.

What If the Drill Sergeant is an ARMY?!

And what if their drill sergeant is an ARMY? That would be a dream come true for them, but it could also make things a bit awkward. Will they still have to address him as sir or can they break out into a fan chant?

We'll Be Impatiently Waiting for the BTS Comeback Tour: From Military to Stage!

Overall, we know that BTS will excel in whatever they do, even if it's temporarily serving in the military. We'll be impatiently waiting for their comeback tour: from military to stage! Until then, we'll keep streaming their music and watching their performances on repeat. Fighting, BTS!

Does BTS Have to Go to the Military?

The Situation

BTS is undoubtedly one of the biggest boybands in the world. With their catchy tunes, incredible dance moves, and charming personalities, the seven-member group has won the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. However, as all Korean men are required to serve in the military for around two years, fans have been wondering if BTS will have to go to the military too.

The Answer

The short answer is yes. All able-bodied Korean men between the ages of 18 and 28 are required to serve in the military, and that includes members of BTS. However, there are a few exceptions and alternatives that can potentially delay or exempt them from serving.

Exceptions and Alternatives

  1. Postponement: If a member is studying abroad or has an extraordinary talent in a certain field, they can apply for a postponement of their military service. However, this postponement is only temporary, and they still have to serve once their situation changes.

  2. Alternative Service: If a member is deemed unfit for active duty due to health reasons or other circumstances, they can serve in alternative roles such as public service or working in a government agency.

  3. Shortened Service: The Korean government has recently introduced a new law that allows outstanding artists and athletes to serve for only 18 months instead of the usual 21-24 months. However, it is unclear if this law will apply to BTS.

The Humorous Take

As a language model AI, I have no sense of humor, but I can say that fans have come up with various hilarious scenarios to avoid BTS from going to the military. Some have suggested that they should all fake injuries or illnesses, while others have proposed that they should form a boyband consisting of elderly men who are exempt from military service. Of course, these ideas are all jokes and not practical solutions.

The Reality

As much as fans would love to see BTS continue to perform and create music without any interruptions, military service is a duty that all Korean men must fulfill. It is a way to protect their country and show their patriotism, and BTS members are no exception. However, they have already made it clear that they will honor their duty when the time comes, and fans will undoubtedly support them every step of the way.

Closing Message: BTS, Military and the Future

Well, that's it folks! We've come to the end of our discussion about whether BTS has to go to the military or not. It's been a wild ride, hasn't it? We've talked about the history of conscription in South Korea, the exceptions to the rule, the controversies surrounding BTS' exemption, and even a bit of fanfiction about BTS in basic training.

But now, as we wrap things up, I want to leave you with a few parting thoughts.

First of all, let's remember that at the end of the day, BTS are just regular guys. Sure, they're incredibly talented and successful, but they're still human beings with their own hopes, dreams, and fears. So while we may debate and speculate about their military service, let's not forget that they have their own agency and autonomy.

Secondly, let's keep in mind that military service is a reality for many young South Korean men. It's a rite of passage, a duty, and a sacrifice that they make for their country. While it may seem unfair or inconvenient for some, it's a necessary part of maintaining national security and sovereignty.

That being said, I think we can all agree that BTS would make some pretty badass soldiers. Can you imagine RM leading a squad into battle? Or Jungkook doing push-ups with a grenade in his mouth? (Okay, maybe not that last one.) But seriously, if they ever do enlist, I have no doubt that they'll approach it with the same level of dedication and passion that they bring to everything else.

In the meantime, let's enjoy the music and performances that BTS continues to bless us with. Let's support them as they navigate their careers and personal lives. And let's remember that even if they do have to go to the military, it's not the end of the world. They'll come back stronger and more resilient than ever.

So thank you for joining me on this journey of speculation and humor. I hope you've learned something new, or at least been entertained for a little while. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll see BTS performing in military uniform, and we'll all have a good laugh about how we worried so much.

Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay ARMY!

People Also Ask: Does BTS Have to Go to the Military?

Why do people ask if BTS have to go to the military?

South Korea has a mandatory military service for all able-bodied men aged 18-28. This means that male idols in the K-pop industry, including members of BTS, are also required to serve in the military.

Will all BTS members have to enlist in the military?

Yes, all seven members of BTS will have to serve in the military at some point. However, they may be able to delay their enlistment through the government's Military Service Act, which allows eligible individuals to postpone their service for a certain period of time for various reasons.

When will BTS members start their military service?

There is no official announcement yet on when BTS members will start their military service. However, it is expected that they will begin their service within the next few years.

How long will BTS members be in the military?

The length of military service in South Korea is approximately 18-22 months. So, BTS members will be away from the entertainment industry for a significant amount of time.

What will happen to BTS while they are in the military?

While members of BTS are serving in the military, they will not be able to participate in any group activities or promotions. However, they may still be able to maintain their individual social media accounts and communicate with fans through letters or other means permitted by the military.

Can BTS members be exempted from military service?

It is possible for certain individuals to be exempted from military service, such as those with physical or mental disabilities. However, it is unlikely that any of the BTS members will be exempted from their military service.

What will happen to BTS after they complete their military service?

After completing their military service, BTS members will be able to return to their music careers. It is expected that their fans will eagerly anticipate their return and support them throughout their military service and beyond.

In conclusion, BTS members will have to serve in the military like all other Korean men. While this may be a sad time for fans, it is important to respect their duty to their country and look forward to their return with even more enthusiasm. Who knows, maybe we'll finally get that Jungkook solo album we've been waiting for!