Will BTS Serve in the Military Together in 2022? Unveiling Plans and Possibilities


Army enlisted fans are worried if BTS will go to the military together in 2022. Here's what we know so far.

#BTSMilitaryService #BTS

Will BTS go to the military together in 2022? This question has been on every ARMY's mind since the South Korean government announced that it will no longer grant exemptions for military service. The announcement has sent shockwaves throughout the K-pop industry, and fans are understandably worried. After all, BTS is one of the biggest boy bands in the world right now, and their members are in their mid-twenties. It's only a matter of time before they enlist. But will they do it together?

First of all, let's address the elephant in the room: Jin. He is the oldest member of the group and will turn 29 in December 2021. According to South Korean law, all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 28 must serve in the military for approximately two years. That means Jin's time is almost up. However, there is a chance that he could postpone his enlistment until after he turns 30. This is because the South Korean government recently passed a law that allows certain individuals in certain professions, such as classical musicians and athletes, to delay their military service until they are 30.

Now, let's talk about the other members. Suga and J-Hope were born in 1993, which means they will turn 28 in 2021. They will have to enlist soon, but they might be able to delay their service like Jin. However, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook were born in 1994 or later, so they still have some time before they have to enlist.

But what about going to the military together? It's highly unlikely. Military service is not something that can be put off indefinitely, and it's doubtful that all seven members of BTS will be able to synchronize their schedules and enlist at the same time. Plus, it's not practical for the group's management to put their career on hold for two years while all the members are in the military.

There is also the fact that BTS has become a global phenomenon, and their absence for two years could have a huge impact on the K-pop industry. The group's popularity has brought attention to other K-pop acts, and their success has paved the way for other Korean artists to break into the international market. It would be a shame to see all of that progress come to a halt because of military service.

But don't worry, ARMY. Even if the members of BTS have to enlist, they won't disappear completely. They will still be able to communicate with their fans through letters and occasional visits. Plus, they will come back stronger and more mature than ever before. Military service is an important part of Korean culture, and it's something that all Korean men have to go through. It's a rite of passage, and it's a way for them to give back to their country.

In conclusion, while it's possible that some members of BTS might delay their military service, it's unlikely that all seven members will be able to enlist together. However, this is not the end for BTS. They will continue to make music and inspire people all over the world. And who knows, maybe they will even release some new music while they are in the military. After all, they are BTS.

The Dreaded Question: Will BTS Go to the Military Together in 2022?

As an avid fan of BTS, one question that has been on my mind for a while is whether they will all go to the military together in 2022. I mean, could you imagine all seven members enlisting at the same time? The thought alone is enough to send shivers down my spine. But let's take a deeper dive into this topic and see if we can make any sense of it.

What is the Military Service?

For those who may not know, South Korea has mandatory military service for all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 28. It's a requirement that has been in place since the Korean War in the 1950s and is considered a patriotic duty. The length of service varies depending on the branch of the military and can range from 18 months to three years.

What About BTS?

BTS debuted in 2013, which means that all seven members will be of age to enlist by 2022. As fans, we've known this day would come eventually, but the thought of them all leaving at once still feels like a punch to the gut. However, there are some things to consider.

Exemptions and Deferrals

There have been cases where Korean celebrities have been exempt from military service due to their contributions to society. For example, Olympic medalists and classical musicians have been granted exemptions in the past. However, it's unlikely that BTS will qualify for this type of exemption.

On the other hand, some Korean celebrities have been able to defer their military service until a later date. This is typically done if the individual is currently enrolled in university or has a job that is deemed vital to the country. It's possible that some members of BTS could apply for a deferral, but it's unclear if they would be approved.

Split Enlistment

Another option is for the members of BTS to enlist at different times. This would allow the group to continue promoting and releasing music while still fulfilling their military duty. However, it's unclear if this is something that the members would want to do. After all, BTS is known for their unity and togetherness.

One by One

The most likely scenario is that the members of BTS will enlist one by one as their age requires them to do so. This would mean that the group would have to take a hiatus while each member completes their service. It's not an ideal situation for fans, but it's something that we will have to accept eventually.

What Happens During Military Service?

For those who may not know, military service in South Korea is no walk in the park. It's a rigorous and demanding training process that can be physically and mentally exhausting. However, it's also seen as a way to build character and discipline.

During their service, the members of BTS will be required to follow strict rules and regulations. They will also have limited contact with the outside world, which means that they won't be able to communicate with their fans as much as they do now.

What Does This Mean for the Future of BTS?

It's hard to predict what the future holds for BTS once they all complete their military service. However, it's safe to say that their time away will impact their career in some way. It's possible that they will come back stronger than ever, with a newfound sense of maturity and perspective. But it's also possible that the group may not be as popular as they once were.


In the end, there's no way to know for sure if BTS will all go to the military together in 2022. However, it's something that we need to prepare ourselves for as fans. While it will be tough to see our beloved group go on hiatus, we can take comfort in knowing that they're doing their part to serve their country. And who knows? Maybe this hiatus will give them the opportunity to come back even stronger and more united than ever before.

So, let's enjoy the time we have with BTS now and look forward to what the future holds. Whatever happens, we'll always be ARMY, and we'll always support our boys through thick and thin.

Say it Ain't So! Will BTS be Leaving us for Boot Camp?

As much as we hate to admit it, the dreaded day is coming. K-Pop's biggest boy band is facing their toughest enemy yet: mandatory military service. That's right, ARMY, our beloved BTS will be enlisting in the South Korean military in 2022. But before you start crying into your Army Bomb, let's take a moment to appreciate all the amazing music and memories they've given us over the years.

Don't Worry ARMY, We'll Still Have Their Music to March to

Even though the boys will be away from the stage for a while, we can still jam out to their music while they're doing their duty. And who knows, maybe they'll even come up with some new songs while they're in boot camp. Can you imagine the dance routines they'll come up with in their camouflage gear? It'll be like BTS: Basic Training Style.

Maybe They'll Come Out With a New Hit Single: 'PT Belongs to Us'

We all know how much BTS loves to incorporate military themes into their music. So maybe they'll come out with a new hit single about their experiences in boot camp. We can already imagine the chorus: PT belongs to us, we'll never give up, we'll never give in!

We Bet They'll Have the Cleanest Barracks in All of South Korea!

With their attention to detail and love for cleanliness, we bet BTS will have the cleanest barracks in all of South Korea. We can see Jin now, scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush while the others sing in perfect harmony. Who wouldn't want to be in their squad?

We Have a Feeling Their Drill Sergeants Will Quickly Become J-Hope's New Dance Crew

Let's be real, who wouldn't want to dance with J-Hope? We have a feeling his drill sergeants will quickly become his new dance crew. And we can only imagine the epic dance battles that will ensue during their downtime.

No One Will be Safe From V's Aegyo, Not Even His Commanding Officers

V's aegyo is known to melt even the coldest of hearts. We have a feeling his commanding officers won't be able to resist his charms either. Imagine V using his aegyo to get out of doing push-ups. We wouldn't be surprised if he becomes the most popular recruit in his unit.

We Can Only Hope They'll Come Back With Some Killer Harmonies and Combat Boots

After serving their country, we can only hope that BTS will come back stronger than ever. Maybe they'll incorporate some military-inspired fashion into their wardrobe, like combat boots and camo jackets. And we can't wait to hear the killer harmonies they'll come up with after spending months training together.

So don't worry, ARMY. Our boys may be leaving us for a while, but they'll always hold a special place in our hearts. And who knows, maybe their time in boot camp will inspire them to create some of their best music yet.

Will BTS Go to the Military Together in 2022?

The Rumors are Circulating

As a die-hard fan of BTS, I cannot help but wonder if the rumors are true. Will my favorite K-Pop group go to the military together in 2022? I know they have to serve their country, but can't they do it one by one instead? I mean, what will happen to ARMYs like me if they all leave at once?

But then again, maybe it's not that bad. I can finally catch up on my sleep and social life without staying up all night watching their concerts and interviews. Plus, I can focus on my own goals and aspirations instead of living vicariously through their success.

The Pros and Cons of BTS Going to the Military Together

Let's weigh the pros and cons of this possible scenario:

  • Pro: BTS will fulfill their duty as Korean citizens and show their patriotism.
  • Con: We'll miss them dearly for two years and have to survive with their old songs and memories.
  • Pro: They'll come back stronger and more mature, with new stories and experiences to share.
  • Con: We'll have to wait longer for their new music and content, and may have to say goodbye to some members who decide not to renew their contracts.

Overall, it's a bittersweet situation. We want BTS to succeed and be happy, but we also want them to stay with us forever. However, no matter what happens, we'll always support them and cherish the memories we've shared.

Conclusion: Let's Enjoy the Moment

So, will BTS go to the military together in 2022? Only time will tell. But instead of worrying about the future, let's enjoy the present and appreciate what we have. Let's dance to their music, watch their videos, and spread love and positivity in their honor. After all, that's what BTS stands for: Beyond The Scene.

Table Information

Keyword Description
BTS A South Korean boy band consisting of seven members: Jin, Suga, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook.
Military Service A mandatory duty for all Korean men between 18-28 years old, lasting for about two years.
K-Pop A genre of popular music originating in South Korea, characterized by its catchy melodies, synchronized dance routines, and colorful fashion.
ARMYs The official fandom name of BTS, referring to their loyal fans who support them through thick and thin.
Renew To extend or continue a contract with a company or organization.

Will BTS Go to the Military Together in 2022? Let's Find Out!

As a K-pop fan, the question that's been bugging me for a while now is: Will BTS go to the military together in 2022? I know it's not just me who's been having sleepless nights thinking about this. So, let's get into it and find out if our favorite boys will be serving their country at the same time.

First things first, let's talk about the elephant in the room. Yes, all members of BTS were born in the year 1992, which means they are all required to enlist in the military before they turn 30. This has been a concern for ARMYs since the group's debut in 2013.

Now, let's talk about the South Korean government's law on military service. In case you didn't know, all able-bodied South Korean men between the ages of 18 and 28 are required to serve in the military for about two years. However, there have been some changes in the past years regarding the length of service and exemptions.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. Athletes who win medals in international competitions, musicians who receive international recognition, and scientists who make significant contributions to their fields are exempted from military service. Unfortunately, these exemptions do not apply to BTS.

So, what does this mean for BTS? Well, it means that all seven members are required to serve in the military. Now, here's the catch. There's no official announcement yet as to when each member will enlist. Some of them may have already enlisted by the time you're reading this, while others may still have a few years left.

However, based on their birth dates, we can make some assumptions. Jin, the eldest member, was born on December 4, 1992, which means he'll have to enlist by next year. This has been a cause for concern for ARMYs all over the world.

But don't worry, ARMYs! There's still hope. South Korea has recently passed a law that allows pop culture artists to postpone their military service until the age of 30. This means that BTS members can defer their enlistment until they're 30 years old, giving them more time to make music and perform for their fans.

However, this doesn't mean that they won't go to the military at all. It only postpones their service, which means that they'll have to serve for a longer period once they do enlist. But hey, at least we'll get to see them together for a little while longer, right?

Another thing to consider is that BTS members have been serving their country in their own way. They've been promoting Korean culture and language all over the world, and they've even been appointed as special envoys by the South Korean president. So, even if they're not in the military, they're still doing their part for their country.

In conclusion, there's no need to panic just yet. BTS will go to the military eventually, but we don't know when that will be. What we do know is that they'll be back, and they'll be better than ever. So, let's continue to support them and enjoy their music while we can.

Until then, keep streaming their songs, watching their videos, and supporting their causes. Let's show them that we'll always be here for them, no matter what.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope it gave you some clarity on the issue. Let's continue to be the best fandom in the world!

People Also Ask: Will BTS Go to the Military Together in 2022?

What is the current military service law in South Korea?

The current military service law in South Korea requires all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 28 to serve in the military for approximately two years.

When will BTS members start their military service?

It has been announced that BTS members will start their military service in the near future, but the exact date has not yet been confirmed.

Will BTS members go to the military together?

There have been rumors circulating that BTS members will go to the military together, but this is highly unlikely since they are not from the same age group. Each member will have to fulfill their military duty according to their own age and circumstances.

Can BTS members delay their military service?

According to the current military service law in South Korea, there are some exceptions and alternatives that may allow individuals to delay or avoid their military service, such as being a professional athlete or a renowned artist. However, these exceptions are strictly regulated by the government and are not available to everyone.

What will happen to BTS if they go to the military?

During their military service, BTS members will not be able to participate in any official activities or promotions. However, they will still be considered as active-duty soldiers and will receive basic training and perform duties assigned by the military.

What will happen to BTS fans if they go to the military?

BTS fans, also known as ARMY, will surely miss their favorite idols during their military service. But don't worry, BTS members have repeatedly expressed their love and appreciation for their fans, and they will surely come back with even more amazing music and performances after completing their military duty.

So, will BTS go to the military together in 2022?

Sorry to disappoint you, but the answer is no. Each member will have to serve according to their own age and circumstances. But who knows? Maybe they will release a special military-themed album before they go!

So, ARMY, let's enjoy their music and support BTS members as they prepare for their military service. We'll be waiting for their return with open arms.